Stretch & Squash in Flex 3, the next episode in CodeDependent series, is now available from Adobe TV.
This show is a continuation of the episode Bouncing Ball Behavior, in which we saw how to use easing functions in Flex 3 to add bouncing motion to a bal in Flex 3. This time, we'll see how to apply some techniques from traditional cartoon animation to make the bouncing ball seem more lifelike.
Here's the video:
Here is the demo application:
// video is not available on; after clicking on the movie I've got 'File not found.' error
It appears to be working now - I got the video to come up both when clicking on the video on the "CodeDependent" page and when clicking on it on the front page of Adobe TV. I did get an initial "not found" error the first time, but it was temporary and the video came up after that. Maybe that's what you were seeing? Anyway, seems to be working now.
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