For those not following my Java blog (what, one post per year isn't enough?), I thought I'd mention that I'll be back at the JavaOne conference this year, speaking about Flex, Java, and fun graphics/animation stuff.
The main thing for me this year is the presentation that I'm doing with Romain Guy, called "Move Your Users: Animation Principles for Great User Experiences". We'll be presenting at 11:05 on Wednesday (June 3rd), and again at a repeat session on Friday afternoon (June 5th). This year's talk will be less about code and more about concepts and design principles. Should be fun.
I will also be assisting Duane Nickull in his lab on creating PDFs with LC ES and other server-side stuff that I should really learn one of these days. There is also an Adobe event at Jillian's on Wednesday from 6:30-9:30 PM - stop by the Adobe booth for more information. Speaking of the booth, I'll be spending some quality time there when not in sessions doing some small talks, demos, and generally hanging out trying to look like I work for Marketing. Stop by if you're around the show floor.